Ignorance and Punishment
Legal / Criminal Law
Aplus Legal Advice | 2022.09.19 01:16 |
The fact that one is ignorant of the law does not a sufficient defense in a court of law make. Ignorance is no protection against punishment. The adult is presumed to know all the laws. This presumption is knowingly and clearly false. So why is it made in the first place?
Nevada Criminal Records for Resident Research
Legal / Criminal Law
Aplus Legal Advice | 2022.09.19 01:00 |
The State of Nevada is one of the few states that allow the public access to their Nevada criminal records. The Records and Identification Bureau under the Nevada Department of Public Safety is the central repository of Nevada criminal records. The purpose of the state database of Nevada criminal records is to provide centralized, complete, and documented criminal justice information and statistics to the state’s criminal justice community, the public, and many other authorized clients and contributors.
What To Do If You Are Arrested
Legal / Criminal Law
Aplus Legal Advice | 2022.09.19 00:15 |
If ever you find yourself in a situation where a law officer takes you into custody, then you must realize that you have been arrested. It is important for every citizen to know what it means to be arrested and what their rights are.
Criminal Injury Claim – Are You Serious
Legal / Criminal Law
Aplus Legal Advice | 2022.09.19 01:30 |
Injuries due to criminal activities, can be one of the most complex and traumatic experiences that anyone can suffer. A criminal injury claim in these terrible incidents can profoundly affect both the victim and the victim’s friends and family, leaving both emotional and physical scars that can last a lifetime.