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What Are American Depositary Receipts?

Currency and Trading / Investing

Aplus Legal Advice  |  2022.08.25 11:28  |  291 views

The investment known as ADR stands for American Depositary Receipts, which is a tool used to make it easier for investors to invest in foreign markets. Instead of having to find a broker with capabilities in the foreign markets where the securities trade, an investor can just receive ADRs from a depositary bank that collects the foreign company's shares.

3 Reasons To Invest In Dubai Investment Property

Currency and Trading / Investing

Aplus Legal Advice  |  2022.08.23 12:33  |  166 views

Dubai one of the states in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) seeks today to move away from its traditional oil dependence to a more balanced one based on tourism and services. As a result, its economy has grown with more and more tourism resorts coming up to meet this aim. This article will list three reasons why you should invest in the Dubai today.

What type of investor should I be?

Currency and Trading / Investing

Aplus Legal Advice  |  2022.08.23 16:53  |  212 views

Getting started in the business of investing is much easier than it used to be. So is improving your returns if you already invest. No longer is the field restricted to the wealthy or large financial institutions. More and more these days every day people like mums, dads, students and even children are trying their hand at what used to be the exclusive playground of the rich.

Wealth Management Seminars

Currency and Trading / Investing

Aplus Legal Advice  |  2022.08.25 11:31  |  236 views

When selecting a wealth management seminar, you should look for smaller size classes containing 25 people or less. Topics should include estate planning, financial planning, retirement plans for small businesses and the self-employed, savings and investing for retirement, understanding your 401(k) and employer fiduciary responsibility. Investing in times of trouble and economic market outlook are among other topics that should be covered.

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